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Go Social

I was born in a joint family but quite unfortunate because could not enjoy it as the family was divided on property issue just after the death of my Grandfather, I was only five years then. It was in the year 1980, when all the property including domestic animals (cattle) were distributed, I was keenly observing the process and quite emotional looking the vulnerability of those animals divided in to two groups.  It was out of the emergence of the situation, I had an opportunity to graze cows for some days with the other group, slowly it had created an inclination within me towards cow grazing and the situation was also conducive for me as the family was struggling to manage financial part to manage the cost of education of six children with only once source of income i.e. agriculture and income from cattle was the best substitute then.  Though, I was not a regular cow grazer but it was almost a part of my childhood journey up to completing my elementary education, even in many times I was absent in the school for grazing cows, but I am quite happy and proud that this has created an opportunity for me to understand the life and not hampered my education or future.