In Associate with
Go Social

I believe, personal growth is a part of life journey for every human being. It is a complete package of education, culture, behavior, attitude, understanding & many such inherited growths which make an individual a complete human being. It’s a long journey to achieve this but without which life is incomplete. The process of my personal growth, though initiated with my primary education but the real growth started when my curricular education was completed in the year 1997. I was just wondering to find myself in a satisfied position but it was not in my knowledge, how to attain this. Frankly speaking, there was no one in my peer group or in my family or in my surrounding who was in a position to guide me on this.  It was quite difficult to find a “ Guru” , but eventually it happened in my life and I tried to make my conscience as my first “Guru” by which I was inspired and tried to grasp many thing and could not able to attend anything. Then I came across with some eventual “ Gurus”, who usually were the business owners of intellectual property,  some of them captured me on periodic basis and tried to sell me for their growth, Yes, yes & yes, the process of exploitation of my knowledge and skill was started and I found the means of growth by allowing them to exploit me. The most condensed form of a new generation personality within me was evolved out of continuous exploitation for almost a decade by dozens of eventual Gurus, a strong & cool personality is born and I count this as my real personal growth.